New York Traffic Violation Defense

New York Traffic Violation Defense has many laws in place to keep its drivers and pedestrians safe, but violations are often made. Whether it’s speeding a few miles over the limit, failing to signal, or any other type of violation, getting a ticket can have a serious impact on your driving record and even your insurance premiums. In addition, there are often fines and court fees associated with a traffic ticket. The best way to protect your driving record and avoid the repercussions of a conviction is by hiring a NYC traffic attorney to defend you.

New York Traffic Violation Defense: Strategies for Success

In most cases, the first step to fighting a traffic ticket is to enter a plea of not guilty. This can usually be done online or through the mail without having to physically appear in court. Once this is done, a hearing will be scheduled. At this hearing, the citing officer will be asked to testify as to why you received the ticket. You or your lawyer will have the opportunity to ask questions and bring in any witness testimony that might strengthen your case.

In the end, a judge will make the determination. In order to be found guilty, the evidence must be clear and convincing. This is a higher standard than what would be required in a criminal trial. An experienced traffic lawyer could make it much more difficult for the prosecution to meet this burden and help you win your case.

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